Hello, I'm Shubham Yadav.
I'm an aspiring Software Developer from upstate New York pursuing Computer Science at Northeastern University.
I am passionate about learning new programming languages and technologies, along with applying those newly learned skills to my projects.
I am actively seeking a full time internship for the Summer of 2023. If you think I'm a good fit, feel free to contact me!
Java | Python | JavaScript | HTML | CSS
Git/GitHub | React | React Native | Firebase
Northeastern University
Sep 2022 - Present
Relavent Coursework:
-Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 & 2
-Discrete Structures
-Mathmatics of Data Models
-Introduction to Mathmatical Reasoning
-Object Oriented Design
-Foundations of Cyber Security
Shaker High School
Sep 2018 - Jun 2022
-Graduated with Advanced Regents Diploma
-Founded various clubs associated with research,
learning about programming and finance
-North Colonie Kids Care Award
-International Spellman HV Competition Finalist
-Shaker FRC Robotics Awards

Expex (In Development)

Expex is a revolutionary financial management platform that merges all of your financial accounts, regardless of the institution or type, into a single, secure account.

With Expex, you can get a complete, comprehensive view of your financial situation, track your spending, and make informed investment decisions to plan for your financial future.

Our secure platform allows you to connect all of your accounts, including checking and savings accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, and more, granting a complete yet simple view of your financial situation.

React | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Firebase | Plaid API

Real-Time Facial Anonymization Engine
(In Development)

The Real-Time Facial Anonymization Engine (RFAE) is an advanced video processing solution designed to provide real-time facial anonymization for video streams across various sectors, including journalism, education, corporate communications, and research institutions. The engine is engineered to deliver low-latency, high-performance facial detection and anonymization, ensuring both user privacy and system efficiency.

Java | SQLite | XML | Firebase
Click Here!
Phone: (518)334-4005